By-laws of RR&R Lair No. 1 [as of 4/4/96]

1. The flag of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions was adopted by the membership of the Pittsburgh lair on September 24, 1994. It serves as a visual reminder of the fraternal society it represents.
1.1 The flag(s) shall be deposited for safe keeping with the Director, or other officer appointed by the membership for such purpose.
1.2 The flag shall be displayed at all lair functions.
1.3 The flag may be borrowed by a member in good standing to mark a meeting of two or more Rascals.
1.3.1 To borrow a flag, a member shall make a written application to the Director, describing the event over which the flag is to fly.
1.3.2 Such meetings shall be of a sort to bring honor to the RR&R.
1.3.3 There shall be a log-book into which will be inscribed the details of the meeting over which the flag flew, including photographs, signatures, and other paraphernalia.
1.3.4 Members who borrow the flag are responsible for its care and agree to pay for its replacement or repair should it be damaged.
1.4 A toast to the flag's creator, Jane Wolfson, shall be made at every regular meeting of the lair.

2. The lair shall award a prize in memory of charter member Jonathan Z. Landgraf.
2.1 This prize shall be awarded to the winner of the Mass Challenge and presented at the Annual Rascal's Ball.
2.1.1 The Mass Challenge shall take place annually at the second quarterly meeting.
2.1.2 The winner of the Mass Challenge shall be chosen by a simple majority of votes cast by the men present at the meeting.

3. Annual membership fees are due on the first day of January.
3.1 Initial fees for newly elected members are prorated for the time remaining in the year.

4. The offer of membership to a prospective member shall be withdrawn if it is not accepted within sixty days.
4.1 Acceptance of membership consists of payment of initial fees and return of appropriate forms to the Secretary.

5. There shall be a Keeper of the Humidor whose duties shall be to supply cigars for regular meetings of the lair.
5.1 The cigars shall be moderately priced and of a quality pleasing to the membership.
5.2 The Keeper of the Humidor shall purchase cigars using his own money and shall sell the cigars to those attending lair meetings at a price rounded to a reasonable amount over cost. The difference between cost and sale price will be given to the Treasurer for deposit into the lair's general fund.

6. There shall be a standing membership committee to identify prospective members and facilitate their union into the lair. It shall also guide the lair in terms of policies regarding prospective and established members.
6.1 The membership committee shall consist of three regular members elected by a simple majority of votes cast by the members at the last regular meeting of the calendar year.

7. A Rascal shall join the rank of Rogue upon completion of a Rascal's Challenge, election to Rascal o' the Year, or winning the Jonathan Z. Landgraf prize.

8. The Rascal o' the Year trophy shall be presented at the annual Rascal Ball to the Rascal who, in the estimation of his fellows, has best demonstrated Rascal qualities in the previous calendar year. He shall be elected by a simple plurality of the members of the lair. A tie shall be settled by an arm wrestling match at the Rascals' Ball. The trophy remains the property of the RR&R Lair No. 1, and the Rascal o' the Year is responsible for its protection.

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