-= PARTS =-
These are the companies that Townsend Imports does business with and helps make the shop and this site what it is.
I pay for the computer, server, web hosting and DSL connection out of the shop profits that are earned entirely by me. In a effort to make this site pay for itself, short of a bunch of banner ads that slam you in every window, I sold parts on the internet. I split the profits 4 ways. 1/4 to the shop, me, employee, and TSN. The parts sales had restrictions to keep down the volume as at that time there was only two of us and it wasn't right for two master Saab mechanics to be packing boxes and filling orders with the potential income difference and the Saab Motoring public beating the front door down for service. A business it took years for me to build and a car line to Master.
So ... I had to give up parts sales and do what I do best and pay for all this from the shop profits. I have no problem with that and enjoy helping others. Running and working a High Tech Shop is a choir that leaves very little time to devote to this site. As the new models arrive and age ... I will be on top of them and will do my best to keep you informed. On the subject of informed,
The Dealer Link below is who takes care of Townsend Imports and is the source of Saab Technical stuff I share with you. I'm a small one man shop and don't do allot of volume with them, but I'm consistent and buy all My factory parts from them as I have for almost 20 years. The parts manager is Frank McDermott ...the best Saab parts person I have ever dealt with. If you have a desire to help support this site BUY your dealer parts from them.

Dedication to the Car and the People that own them. Tim has been a SaabMaster for many years and has now dedicated his skill to his wonderful site and the Parts end exclusive. If you want to deal with someone who knows Saabs well and what part works best or is the best bang for the buck AND good service .... I highly Recommend TheSaabSite.Com. Again if you want to help support this site, buy your parts here.