Cooler Two
Speed 9000 Cooling Fan Sensor
On 94 9000s the
wire colors are different than those listed on the illustration
below. On those there are black, blue and yellow wires. They go black
to the + pin, blue or green to the 1 pin, blue/white or yellow and to
the 2 pin. We are finding switches on cars with all these wire
colors. Apparently, either the switch has updated and kept the same
part number or there were variants of it. Anyway, the diagram below
holds true for most cars and all cars if you trace it to the
connector the old switch uses. The + of the new switch goes to a
ground, the 1 pin runs the low speed fan and the 2 pin runs the high
speed fan. All the switch is doing is giving the pull down circuits
(pin 1 or 2) a ground according to temp. So you can check your wiring
by touching either of the odd color wires to the black one and seeing
at what speed the fan runs.