This soda tax is causing car-abusers to drive further in order to get the same products they could efficiently have shipped in before.

It is clear to me that king kenney does not care about the Citizens with Asthma for a Better Philadelphia. Once free of toxic fumes the roads to delco, bucks and montgomery county are polluted heavily.

Trafficked with innumerable mini-vans packed to the brim with grocery shoppers, our cities traffic problem is rapidly turning into a nightmare.

Additionally, patrons of soda companies are being forced over the benny frank leading to excessive wear and tear on our already collapsing infrastructure.

Our bridges and roads are collapsing under the weight of this ridiculous tax, our lungs are choked with soot, and our local businesses are suffering greatly. This travesty has gone on too long. It is time for us to dump soda into the

Delaware harbor and turn it black with corn syrup to protest the filthy money grabbers at city hall.