Is there anywhere you can call to find out about helicopters flying?

I've been seeing helicopters all over the place whenever i drive, even sometimes they seem to hover above where I am, but it's not always the same type of copter and I am just unsure if it's traffic related or what.

Pretty much like 5 days this week there have been helicopters over me both directions to and from work and i think that maybe they've caught up with me and i don't know what to do so i was just hoping there was maybe a website i can look at to see normal helicopter listings or whatever like you can for shipping boats and airplanes and stuff.

What have you guys heard about these silent helicopters i know of at least four helicopter pads in five square miles it's entirely possible to scramble (do helicopters scramble?) a tag team of copter-cops each time i get out but i think probably the neighbors must be informing or something or else how would they know i left work unless its my room mate or his new weird girlfriend

please respond A.S.A.P