nothing is worse than gatekeeping. Holier than thou no true scotsman bullshit is killing the creativity of the proletariet.

Fuck 'art'. fuck 'creativity'. You don't need to learn 'art'. Art is conciousness. You can improve your expressiveness, but the raw is still there. Somewhere between being a child and an adult we box ourselves out psychologically.

Just because I am a white guy with no diction doesn't mean I can't rap. I'll rap if I want to. I don't need to dress up like some weird fucking sick (no offense if you do) to be a punk rapper. I don't even smoke weed.

So fuck you, 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hinkle, you put a permanent block on my ability to express myself creatively. Writing poetry in school was like torture. Writing prose was worse. fuck your rhymes schemes

Every word came like blood from a stone.

Pulling teeth.

don't mince words - i'm kicking that bad habit.