First they came for strippers, but I did not speak up, because I was not a stripper.

Tom murt is a facist. He has introduced legislation to prevent the freedom of speech. Pole dancing is exotic entertainment, but it is still entertainment, and entertainment is art. and art is protected.

Taxing our strippers is an attack on our first amendement. Taxing forms of speech the government doesn't approve of is antithetical to a society founded on the very notion.

$5 to get into a club to see some entertainment? I'd like a $5 tax on each person entering city hall for the sheer entertainment factor provided by the absurd city council meetings.

Just because this funds some womens shelters to protect against abuse doesn't mean the tax isn't unjust. Remember that soda tax that was supposed to go to our schools? In fact only 2 percent went to them. that's my two cents on the issue.

Womens shelters are great, but how about levying some sort of tax that you know, doesn't discriminate against hard working pole-dancers across this city.

I for one like strip clubs. I like being a lewd degenerate and I have no desire to change that.

This goes out to Kittie, Lashonda, Robyn, Krystal and of course Tiffany. Love you ladies.