Meetings of Ur-RR&R
The first meeting of the auspices of the Rascals, Rogues, and Rapscallions happened on February 3, 1989 at Harvey's Chelsea Restaurant in New York City. The seed of the idea of a men's club dedicated to exploration and investigation was planted and began to grow and develop. A total of five meetings were called under the RR&R banner before the first lair was properly formed.
- First Quarter 1989 -- [Harvey's Chelsea Restaurant, New York City] -- Inaugural Meeting
- Second Quarter 1989 -- [Casa Morrison, Weehawkin] -- Falkland Island Liberation
- Third Quarter 1989 -- [Bet Chasan, Pittsburgh] -- Friedrich Nietsche's Birthday
- First Quarter 1992 -- [Casa Morrison, Pittsburgh] -- Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
- Second Quarter 1993 -- [Casa Morrison, Pittsburgh] -- Falkland Liberation Day